Who could forget Cap looking at the photograph he carried with him into the ice? Now let Captain Americal hold your photograph in this unique decoupage frame.
Image shown is an EXAMPLE only, as the decoupage art used to create the frame will vary; depending on the character and the comic story, as they are MADE TO ORDER
The wooden frames, which includes glass and a strut back, are up-cycled by using original artwork pages, arranged to suit the frame. Extra care is taken to create a high quality finish with a professional taped backing.
Please note: the external frame size measurements may sometimes vary.
All frames are MADE TO ORDER making each one unique based on the chosen photo size and frame orientation. So please allow time for your frame to be carefully made before being shipped.
We can make other superhero character decoupage frames. If there is some thing you want, that isn't listed, then please get in touch and we will try me best to accommodate your request.